Thursday 25 August 2016


With magnets and iron or some other certain metals you can see the magnetic field surrounding our earth, you can see the North and south poles and the field in between. There is a north and south end of a magnet. If you put the north and south end together they will attract and if you put north and north or south and south together they will repel. 

Olympics writing

Learning intention: to write about if we were in the Olympics. 

I am laying wide awake, staring at the dark ceiling I look at the clock across the room it's quarter past 12:00 butterflies turning my stomach upside down, tomorrow is the day I say in my head, tomorrow the day that I will compete in the Olympics. I close my eyes and I see all this time that I have trained to be here, but it only feels like a dream. 

I get up to look outside but instead of the flower pots and the small trees I see a whole different view it wasn't a bad view but it wasn't home, I'm half way across the world. As I turn to go back to the white fluffy sheets of the hotel room I took one last glimpse of the dark night sky and then lay back down and slowly close my eyes.

The next morning I wake up to the sun shining through the curtains, I get up and get ready, I  peer out of the window to see the sunrise then go down the stairs and get something to eat. My team and I get on the bus I sit in the back staring at the hotel and remembered looking out the window last night with the shadowy darkness now the bright sunny day is here.

 Biting my nails I get of the bus. We all walk into the gymnasium it must be a mile wide. I set my bag down on a chair and tighten my handgrips, when they called my name I walk up to the bars the mesmerised word replay in my head again and again, release, twist, catch. I walk up to the bar and jump into a kip cast pre-handstand and the rest of the movement comes naturally. Time for the landing double back twist land and stick salute to the judges, I've done it I stuck it I run to my teammates that were waiting for high fives I look at the scoreboard I got a perfect 16.000.

Reflection: I think it was good piece of writing and I could carry on.

Friday 12 August 2016

Pic collage

This is my pic collage about me and what I like.