Thursday 3 November 2016

Lesson 3 sustainability 

WALT: to use our researching skills to learn about Native species to NZ.

Chatham petrel ranguru
Giant Bully
Hectors dolphin 
Imperial blue eyed king shag
Jewelled green gecko 
Long tailed bats
North Island robin 
Pilot whales
Red did bully 
Sea lion 
Upland bully 
Variable Oystercatcher

Thursday 25 August 2016


With magnets and iron or some other certain metals you can see the magnetic field surrounding our earth, you can see the North and south poles and the field in between. There is a north and south end of a magnet. If you put the north and south end together they will attract and if you put north and north or south and south together they will repel. 

Olympics writing

Learning intention: to write about if we were in the Olympics. 

I am laying wide awake, staring at the dark ceiling I look at the clock across the room it's quarter past 12:00 butterflies turning my stomach upside down, tomorrow is the day I say in my head, tomorrow the day that I will compete in the Olympics. I close my eyes and I see all this time that I have trained to be here, but it only feels like a dream. 

I get up to look outside but instead of the flower pots and the small trees I see a whole different view it wasn't a bad view but it wasn't home, I'm half way across the world. As I turn to go back to the white fluffy sheets of the hotel room I took one last glimpse of the dark night sky and then lay back down and slowly close my eyes.

The next morning I wake up to the sun shining through the curtains, I get up and get ready, I  peer out of the window to see the sunrise then go down the stairs and get something to eat. My team and I get on the bus I sit in the back staring at the hotel and remembered looking out the window last night with the shadowy darkness now the bright sunny day is here.

 Biting my nails I get of the bus. We all walk into the gymnasium it must be a mile wide. I set my bag down on a chair and tighten my handgrips, when they called my name I walk up to the bars the mesmerised word replay in my head again and again, release, twist, catch. I walk up to the bar and jump into a kip cast pre-handstand and the rest of the movement comes naturally. Time for the landing double back twist land and stick salute to the judges, I've done it I stuck it I run to my teammates that were waiting for high fives I look at the scoreboard I got a perfect 16.000.

Reflection: I think it was good piece of writing and I could carry on.

Friday 12 August 2016

Pic collage

This is my pic collage about me and what I like.

Friday 29 July 2016

Science tech

In sci tech we learning about nucleation by doing the "coke and mentos " experiment and by watching
The  " dancing raisins" experiment.

Thursday 30 June 2016

My finished emergency light

I am pleased about how it turned out

I found soldering the most challenging 

I enjoyed the outcome of the light 

I found soldering the resisters difficult 

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Persuasive writing

WALT: persuade a reader to agree with the writer’s point of view through the presentation of relevant points and supporting evidence.

Annoying siblings 
‘Get out of my room!’ Is this what you constantly say to your siblings? They can also have lots of effects on you, it can be from following you everywhere, or not being able to concentrate on homework. Siblings are always around that's why sometimes you can be annoyed with them, and usually you aren't annoyed at friends because you are not around them as much. 
Paragraph 1
Siblings are scientifically proven to have different personalities based on if they are an older, younger or a middle child. Older children are thought to be more reliable, careful, structured, cautious, controlling and achievers. This may be because their parents usually think that they should be a bit tougher on their first child. Younger children are generally fun-loving, uncomplicated, outgoing but they can also be manipulative, attention-seeking and sometimes self-centered. Their parents are mostly laid-back because they know what to do with the children. The middle child is commonly a people-pleaser, somewhat rebellious, loves friendships, has large social circle and is more of a peacemaker, also the middle child doesn't get as much attention from the parents as the other children do so they have more time to hang out with their friends or just have fun.
Paragraph 2
When siblings fight it can be very annoying because usually one sibling starts a fight and the other one says that they started it, and of course it is usually true but that fight wouldn't of happened if the other sibling left them alone and not got angry. Many different things can cause siblings to fight. Most brothers and sisters have some jealousy or competition, and this can go into yelling and argument.
Paragraph 3
But other things also might affect how often kids fight and how bad the fighting gets. It's natural for kids' changing needs, anxieties, and identities to affect how they relate to one another. For  example, school-age kids often have a strong concept of being fair and equal, so might not understand why siblings of other ages are treated differently or feel like one child gets better treatment. Teenagers, on the other hand, are developing a sense of individuality and independence, and might turn out in helping with household responsibilities, taking care of younger siblings, or even having to spend time together with their siblings. All of these differences can influence the way kids fight with one another.
Paragraph 4
Siblings sometimes even ask for you to help them, or do something for them and that can make it harder than it already is to get your stuff done. This has happened to me, I stayed up till 10:00 working on art project trying to get it done so my sister could hand it in the next day at school. They can say that they have done some things for you so you should help them with this, that can make the sibling feel like they have to help even though they might have not done anything to help you 
If you don't have siblings you are probably pretty lucky because no one is bothering you and you get mostly peace and quiet. You don't have to stay in your room if you don't want to get bothered. But sometimes you can get bored when there is no one to play with and no one to look up to. But we all know we our siblings are our family so if you have a sibling be nice and help them out. Siblings can also share things or if you are the younger sibling you can get hand-me-downs and you can get a necklace or a shirt or something of theirs that you want. Now you know why siblings fight and manipulate each other and why siblings have different personalities based on what they are in the family. I hope you learnt a bit more about why siblings can be annoying.

Something I am really proud of is: 

Is the amount of information that I included in my writing.

Thursday 16 June 2016

Keith Haring art

We are learning about the artwork of Keith Haring. He used bright colours and simple designs based on the human body.

This is my artwork 

Friday 20 May 2016

The making of me

We are working on the human machine this term, so we had to go into a website and put in our height and weight and it came up with a bunch of interesting facts about our bodies, then we created a tagul that had the facts in it, and my shape for my tagul is a heart.

Thursday 19 May 2016

body parts (Te Reo)

We had to name some of the basic Body parts in Maori. 

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Ode to my heart

Success criteria 
Choose an ordinary place , object or thing your are going to write about.
Give your subject thanks eg. (Oh).
Speak directly to the object.
Use descriptive vocabulary to bring the object to life (personification).
Use repetition lines.

Ode to my heart

Oh, my amazing heart
You have pumped my blood from the very start,
You are helpful, thoughtful and very kind,
You give blood to my wonderful mind.

Oh! My helpful heart
You are very very smart, 
Your always there.
I would be dead if you didn't care.

Beating every second of the day
I smile and say hooray!
You were always in my heart 
And we will never part.


Plus : I liked rhyming the poem.

Minus: I could have written more.

Intresting: personification was really fun to do.

Thursday 5 May 2016


My learning journey at electronics began today. I found the the Get Ready Get thru website says that we need a torch with spare batteries in our emergency kit. I am going to design and make a torch ready for an emergency. 

Congratulations doctor

Yesterday we did a inquiry about the human body and the organs. We had to draw them and Cut them out and tape them to the person. I think it was challenging because the person we were putting the organs on was moving a lot. It mostly worked out well because we got everything on the person. I wonder how much the human brain can remember?

Thursday 14 April 2016

USB final Presentation

In technology we have been making USB sticks this is my steps that I did to make my USB. 

Wednesday 13 April 2016


This term we have been focusing on writing recounts and using the success criteria to help us check our work. We have written recount from a moment in the past that we have had we also put in our plan. This is my recount. 

Planning About koala

Where: Australia in a zoo

When: 2014 

Why: because it was fun and cool to hold a koala 

How: I went into the koalas place that had lots of trees for them to eat the leaves and sleep in the trees

Who: me, sister, mum and dad

What: I held a  fuzzy koala 

What did I say: 
“The koalas are so cute.”
“The koala dug her nail into me.” 
“It is so heavy.”

Words for the koala: 

The success criteria 
-Hook the reader in. 
-Include the important information for the reader.
-Include details so that we know how the reader feels ex. Feel, sound, touch, who, what,where,when and how.
- in past tense 


I was in the Australian zoo in 2014, a very very hot day, we went into their habitat. When I saw them I squealed with excitement, they were so fluffy. Me my sister and parents were looking at the koalas sitting in the eucalyptus trees.

Some of them were Sleeping with their little eyes closed and curled up, and some were crawling around on the trees. I said “ they are so cute!” I was bubbling with excitement.

 I could not wait to hold the cottony Koala, that was sitting right in front of me. Then they put the koala in my arms and I whispered “ it’s so heavy and the nails are digging into me, but they felt so soft and fuzzy.” to my mum. 

I didn't get to hold the koala For that long, so it was sad when I had to hand her back. It hurt a lot when the koala dug her nails into me, because it was really hot in Australia, so I had a short sleeves shirt on,the nail were on my skin. 

I will never forget how cute they are. 
It was great experience to be able to have. I think that everyone would like to hold that koala, because it was so fun, I wish I could do it again. 

two medals and a mission.

medal- I Put In all the background information.
Medal- I put in personal expressions of attitude and feelings 
Mission- my next step is to put in more punctuation to make shorter sentences.

Wednesday 6 April 2016


Today we watched a short film called Jack and tom. It was about two friend who fought together during WW1. Here are some of the words that ANZAC means to us today.

Monday 4 April 2016


Today in Maths we used sieve of Eratosthenes to find all the prime numbers up to 100. A prime number is a number that can only be multiplied by one and itself.

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Place peom

We are learning to use our senses to describe a place.

Disney world 

There is a huge pool
when it's a hot day it makes you cool.
The rock climb tower 
from high up there you can see this colourful flower.
There is a beautiful view 
all around you can swim and play too.
 It is like that.

When my family and friends are there 
you can feel all the excitement in the air.
My friends and I always have fun 
even when we just lay in the sun.
It is like that.

The Ferris wheel goes around and around 
all you want to do is touch the ground.
It's so tall 
you think you are going to fall. 
The roller coaster was so fast 
you can almost see the people going past.
The drop towers are so high when you go down the wind is blowing in your face 
it is a really really fast pace.

Disney world is like that.

Portrait poem

This is my portrait poem I had to include at least one simile and on metaphor.


                                                       My best friend is a puppy.

                                          She is always as happy as a smiley face.

                                She is always funny making you laugh when you're sad.

                                                       You can always trust her,

                                                              and she is loyal.

                                                       She is gracious and friendly.

                                                       She is almost always glad,

                                                             She is never mad.

                                               She is always nice to be around.

                                                                 By Anna 

Friday 4 March 2016

Quirky quick writes

Our teacher did not show up today at school I think she's at a spa, she is probably getting a manicure right now. I think she is doing this to get away from all the noise and mess we made in class, maybe she might even be shopping for beautiful dresses, I really want to be there.

It was a stormy day. The tree are violently swinging in the powerful hurricane. The clouds are circling in the dark grey sky, With 95 miles per hour winds everyone is screaming in terror. Cars are lifting up and being tossed across the town. 

A gigantic bear emerges from the thick bright green forest it stand up on it hind legs and it looks as though it was 9 feet tall. ROAR the bear yelled, a whole pack of them come out from behind the trees they were probably Hiding there the whole time I should have known when I saw bear tracks. 

We used our imaginations to write on a variety of topics for 5 to ten minutes each day.

Wednesday 2 March 2016


WALT : add detail to our writing to describe the setting.

Worn out and sad desert, the dust was swirling around the lonely schoolhouse with shattered glass lying on the soft dirt. The walls of the town that were once used are grey and dull. 

Term 1 goals

These are my goals for term 1 
To get better at my Backhand spring 
To be Resilient when things bring me down 
To get faster at Fractions 
In term 1 I will try my best to achieve these goals.